Thursday, August 21, 2008

Treats from the goodie store

Oz and I went out to the goodie store to buy ourself a special treat today. I wanted to buy the usual special treat that we USUALLY buy, but Oz wanted the extra special treat that she decided that she wanted seeing as "I want a buzz saw Loooooie!" (see Vegietales, The Toy That Saved Christmas) No matter that this treat took much more pain sweat and tears to prepare (it didnt come already cooked) so we went to the park to have our treat. We sat on the swing and looked at our special treats. Mine was, as I thought, the usual treat. Oz´s was, NOT as she thought. She thought it was an extra special extra cheap treat and she had thought that she was "cheating the system" with its own foolhardy cheap prices. But as she looked closer, lo and behold, it was the same as my treat!! Just not cooked of course. So she spent ages and ages trying to mix all the ingredients together and cook it over a pitiful lighter that we found in the park.
The climax of the story:
Ozie´s snack came out even better than mine ever could. BUT it still took far to long to make it.
I think im sticking with mine for now. :D
Cool story no?
Wana have snack with us?? Hu? Hu?
Well suffer. Cuz you CANT!!!


Michelle said...

hahahah....DORKS....what snack was that huh????